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Yantai makes progress in improving people's livelihoods

2022-06-22 08:33:30


Improving the people's wellbeing is the immutable aim of all the Party's endeavors, and efforts will be focused on providing inclusive public services, meeting essential needs, and ensuring basic living standards, according to the report delivered by a Shandong top official during the 12th Shandong Provincial Congress of the Communist Party of China (CPC), which opened on May 28 in Jinan, the capital of Shandong.

Delegates from Yantai, a coastal city in Shandong, shared and exchanged their views on the great progress Yantai has made in improving people's livelihoods over the past five years.

Jiang Jiaquan, Party secretary of the Laishan District Third People's Hospital, said that in the past five years, Shandong has made notable results in advancing the healthcare sector, and launched a three-year action plan to enhance the grassroots capacity of disease prevention and treatment as well as health management.

Taking Laishan district as an example, a total of three new 3A-grade hospitals have settled in the area since 2017, and each of the seven communities in the district set up a public community health service center, which have greatly improved patients' satisfaction in seeking medical advice, according to Jiang.

Li Yuxia, deputy-principal of Laizhou Bilingual School, was impressed by the development of the cooperative education mechanism mentioned in the report, which said that the government will improve the mechanism of school-family-society cooperation in educating students.

Children are the future of the country, and the hope of China, and in recent years, Laizhou Bilingual School has paid great attention to promoting moral and civic education among young people. The school will look for new ways to integrate moral education and cultural courses more quickly in order to nurture exceptional young people with a strong moral foundation.


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